Sunday, March 16, 2008

Gretchen's 1st Haircut

Maggie's been getting more practice cutting hair. She mentioned cutting mine this week, but I'm too fast. Here's how she did with Gretchen on her third attempt on family members. I think she's getting better. Gretchen is 15 months old now, and started walking with confidence in the last week or two. She's even more helpful than her brother. Last night, Frank was drinking a cup of yogurt in the living room and had put it down on the coffee table and sat back on the couch. Gretchen picked up the cup and held it in front of Franklin's mouth as if to help him have a sip. If she sees things out of place in the house, she brings them to me so that I can help her put them away. Maggie and I agree that we made the right decision to have a second kid and feel very fortunate indeed that it was Gretchen that popped out.
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