Saturday, September 08, 2007

4 Teeth and Counting

Gretchen and Frankie are still at Teacher Swim's place during mom and dad's long work day. Teacher Sandy, who helped out over there from the time Frankie was born until just before summer, left to work in an anqinban but decided she didn't like it. Fortunately, when we asked her to come work with us at our place, she said yes and she's been very well received by teachers, parents, and us.

She went back to visit the nursery a few weeks ago and took lots of pictures which she shared with us, and now on to you guys.

This one was from a cooler, time, though this summer has been unseasonably mild. Or maybe they cranked the a/c for the picture.

The bunny suit was from Yuli-chan's grandmother. Everyone liked it so much they got a chance to try it on and have their picture taken.

Here's Gretchen warming up for yoga. She seems more and more alert every day. This morning, I saw her standing in her crib, leaning on the rail, taking in the world. She has the most beautiful eyes you can imagine and I am having more fun than ever holding her. For the last few months she has just seemed too fragile to be held. Now she's a lot easier to pick up and hug. Except when she grabs a big handful of chest hair.

Here's Yuli with Gretchen after Yuli came back from a summer visiting her grandparents outside Tokyo.

1 comment:

BattSync said...

4 teeth! wow Oliver is stuck on 2 teeth! what a pretty girl...