Saturday, December 09, 2006

Early Evening Update

Maggie and I are on the second floor of the clinic waiting for the shot heard round the world. It's Saturday morning, we had breakfast at The Early Bird Diner after taking Frank to the baby minder. The doc complained that he had only one patient today and originally planned to go to Taipei for the evening. We sure feel sorry for these doctors and their families. Some concern about the size of our baby being too big. Doctor says he once delivered a 4.6 kg package to a mother smaller than Maggie. Natural childbirth. Odd in Taiwan. Many of these doctors, for financial reasons, like to do C-sections which can be scheduled one after another. Then their entertainment plans are not disrupted.
Nurse says that we are at 3cm. Gretchen would be almost ready without inducing. Heart monitor is set up. Shot administered (11:30 a.m.) And now, we continue to wait.


8:15 p.m.

I've come home to feed Leica. Still no change in dilation. Maggie had just finished her dinner of pork soup and was walking around the ward when I left. Her sister Ivy is there keeping her company for awhile & had offered to stay overnight if necessary. Looks like it won't be. Teacher Swim is going to keep Frankie at her place overnight so I can stay at the clinic with Mom.
Ok, gotta go.

1 comment:

BattSync said...

I hope we're not too late!

After much deliberation, our final guess is=
3.6996 kg.

Hugs to all... hang in there.

Craig & Bess